Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Meaningful Day / Session on 1st May.

I was asked to share about the experience , etc, that I receive / have during the 2 talks on Labour Day.
But frankly speaking I do not know what to share.

1st : Where did we get the Bible from.?

Interesting topic isn’t it?
Don’t you ever wonder who did the compilation?
How was it done?
Originated from?

Haha. I seriously gained a lot of knowledge from the talk. How the Bible from Hebrew Language eventually became other language and what happened during the process of compiling and translating the Bible.

2nd : Human Law, Divine Justice and Your Destiny / Role in the Eternal Scheme of Things

Basically the lady, a lawyer, talked about how human law came about, and how is it link to Divine law.

We can tell of the character of the Law-giver by looking at the law. Therefore looked at the Law that God set, you will know what kind of God he is. =D

God is a God of Justice. Take a look at, Isaiah 5:16, Isaiah 5:23-24 & Psalm 97:2.

The lady talks about how/what will S.A.T.A.N do to us. And for us to know, all that the devil does is only 4 thing.
1. Tell us our life is in our own control = Freedom
2. Lie to us
3. Tempt us to sin/repeat sin, by telling us we’re of equal to God.
4. At our lowest point, he will attack us, as to further drag us away from God.
So peeps, let’s keep in mind that s.a.t.a.n will and should die/be destroy. =D

I too learn about going / entering the Paradise/Heaven is very hard.
We came to earth being chosen, not because it does rightfully belong to us. We came to earth to chosen and to do God’s work,

1st Judgement : Relationship with God. Do we have that, as in accepting Christ as our Lord and saviour = access = God’s Mercy. John 14:6
(in the past God talked about subsidiary death, sacrificing a lamb for our sin. But in Modern times, we do not need to. WHY? Because our Christ, JESUS die/sacrifice for us. =D)

2nd judgement : Rev 20. (this chapter is worth reading.) 20:11 – 15, tells that the book were open, God will judge us according to what we’ve done INDIVIDUALLY. God is Fair.

Then names who are not found will be thrown into the lake of fire. (so guy let us save more people into the Kingdom of Lord.)

She talks about 3 type of Christian but I forget liao. Haha. Only remember about the Centurion.

Centurion : Honest, integrity, brave & courageous. A warrior for God.
(A question : would you be as brave and courageous as the centurion? and proclaim and share about God to whoever you know that is a non-Christian?)

Ok. That’s all. Hope you guys will receive something from it.
God Bless. See you guy soon!


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