Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Where did you find God today?
This is a little chain game we shall play. And this is the rule:
#1 Choose a place or some little things which u realized u find God there.
#2 Post the picture
#3 Write a few lines and shared how u experienced God there.
#4 Choose 2 persons from fellowship and they repeat Step No1 to Step no3 and post it here. =)
And here is mine..
I've been procrastinating to post regarding this topic, cos' i really did not know what picture will show that i experience God. So, I've been thinking, & i chanced upon this photo.
This photo isn't just about glowing, it represents the youths of QBC. & it just struck me, that all along I've found the many many blessings of God, in youths who come to church for God.
The reason why we are different from groups of friends from outside, is not just the 'cliche' reason of having the same faith & belief in the same religion. Don't you realise, that the reason why all of us can stay together throughout so many years, is also because we have this common place to go to every week?
We meet in church every weekend, for God, for fellowship & for church. Youths in Singapore are so tempted by so many places & people that they can find outside religion boundaries, & what keeps the youths in QBC together? The never failing grace & love of God, the one we chose to prioritise in our lives.
I guess, we can experience God in many places, but to witness God's work in people around us, is an experience which we can only see, by seeing others in how God sees them.
The next 2 to share, hmm.
in His never-ending love,
Friday, July 11, 2008
Where did you find God today?
This is a little chain game we shall play. And this is the rule:
#1 Choose a place or some little things which u realized u find God there.
#2 Post the picture
#3 Write a few lines and shared how u experienced God there.
#4 Choose 2 persons from fellowship and they repeat Step No1 to Step no3 and post it here. =)
And here is mine..
when prompted to think of what i realised, i guess i realised that God is always teaching us lessons in our daily lives, and our lessons can be from ANYTHING... one tool that always teach me lessons from little everyday happenings is my qt bk... everynight when i go to this book, it always seems to fit in my daily experiences... if i skip a few days, after when i come back, the next page will speak to me once again... i guess God has million of ways to speak to us, if we listen!
This is a little chain game we shall play. And this is the rule:
#1 Choose a place or some little things which u realized u find God there.
#2 Post the picture
#3 Write a few lines and shared how u experienced God there.
#4 Choose 2 persons from fellowship and they repeat Step No1 to Step no3 and post it here. =)
And here is mine..

when prompted to think of what i realised, i guess i realised that God is always teaching us lessons in our daily lives, and our lessons can be from ANYTHING... one tool that always teach me lessons from little everyday happenings is my qt bk... everynight when i go to this book, it always seems to fit in my daily experiences... if i skip a few days, after when i come back, the next page will speak to me once again... i guess God has million of ways to speak to us, if we listen!
little things can mean alot... if you think abt it.
still learning,
still learning,
Next in the list:
1) Cheehan
2) Dion
Next in the list:
1) Cheehan
2) Dion
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Where did you find God today?
This is a little chain game we shall play. And this is the rule:
#1 Choose a place or some little things which u realized u find God there.
#2 Post the picture
#3 Write a few lines and shared how u experienced God there.
#4 Choose 2 persons from fellowship and they repeat Step No1 to Step no3 and post it here. =)
And here is mine..
I shout of praises while I'm happy and worshipping in church. But rarely do I listen. God's voice was the loudest during the neverending, grueling times of life and pushes me to overcome whatever challenges faced.
One of the most amazing thing God has created in this world, is that through pain and suffering, people come together and the bond is built. From there, there's support and love.
Thank you Lord for being the light of the darkness, and the comfort in pain.=)
With sincere gratitude,
Ah Black
Next in the list:
1) Xiwen
2) Jason
This is a little chain game we shall play. And this is the rule:
#1 Choose a place or some little things which u realized u find God there.
#2 Post the picture
#3 Write a few lines and shared how u experienced God there.
#4 Choose 2 persons from fellowship and they repeat Step No1 to Step no3 and post it here. =)
And here is mine..

I shout of praises while I'm happy and worshipping in church. But rarely do I listen. God's voice was the loudest during the neverending, grueling times of life and pushes me to overcome whatever challenges faced.
One of the most amazing thing God has created in this world, is that through pain and suffering, people come together and the bond is built. From there, there's support and love.
Thank you Lord for being the light of the darkness, and the comfort in pain.=)
With sincere gratitude,
Ah Black
Next in the list:
1) Xiwen
2) Jason
Where did u find God today?
This is a little chain game we shall play. And this is the rule:
#1 Choose a place or some little things which u realized u find God there.
#2 Post the picture
#3 Write a few lines and shared how u experienced God there.
#4 Choose 2 persons from fellowship and they repeat Step No1 to Step no3 and post it here. =)
Let’s see how spontaneous our fellow mates can be. OR maybe not. We shall see… Haha…
And here is my sharing:
This is a picture of the place I went recently. My life is busy in the busy town. I hardly stop to admire the colors of the sky. Now! Look at the sky! Look at the sea! Both is blue in color. But what amazed me is they are totally different kinds of blue! I realize how powerful and creative our God is when I saw this! Now, I can’t help but to thank God for his creativity and for giving me Sense of Sight. =D
Posted with Love,
Li Er
And the next two names I shall call are….
1) KaHei!
2) Daniel!
#1 Choose a place or some little things which u realized u find God there.
#2 Post the picture
#3 Write a few lines and shared how u experienced God there.
#4 Choose 2 persons from fellowship and they repeat Step No1 to Step no3 and post it here. =)
Let’s see how spontaneous our fellow mates can be. OR maybe not. We shall see… Haha…
And here is my sharing:
This is a picture of the place I went recently. My life is busy in the busy town. I hardly stop to admire the colors of the sky. Now! Look at the sky! Look at the sea! Both is blue in color. But what amazed me is they are totally different kinds of blue! I realize how powerful and creative our God is when I saw this! Now, I can’t help but to thank God for his creativity and for giving me Sense of Sight. =D
Posted with Love,
Li Er
And the next two names I shall call are….
1) KaHei!
2) Daniel!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
being a child...
in my Qt i learnt this interesting theory....
to be like a child....
" And he said: ' i tell u the truth, unless u change and become like little children, you'll never enter the kingdom of heaven." [ Matthew 18:3 ]
why children?
everyone was a child once, but we grow up, some even want to grow up as soon as possible to be more religious... but it's the "outside-grown-up-selves" which make ourselves grow away from God instead of towards him... why?!
as a child, all the decisions made come from our parents and mentors... which all we had to do was follow suit... and when we act according to their instructions, they would say "good boy/girl!.... but as we grow up, we would think we're matured enough for anything (which we're not) and often we would be defiant and go against rules and act upon feelings... which in this case in time we would grow to realise how naive and childish we were.....(notice we in fact are childish and naive-when we think we're "matured" and act...)
in our relationship with God, it's similar........ when we proclaim our faith initially we'll go all out and seek him.... to a point where we think we're spiritually strong, the danger sets in.. the overly ego humans like us will then defy the truth and sets his/her own directions, and in time realise that he/her was childish and naive too..... we may not experience direct instructions from God like what we get from parents, teachers and mentors, but in the Bible and teachings in church, the truth is always there and it'll be very obvious to your eyes, when u seek it....
knowing the truth and the right thing is one. but doing it is another... we learn teachings from church and in our daily lives... but are we obedient to act it out? or do we think we can take charge and be defiant?
we must really be like children who accepts the truth from others, and trusting that the decision is right, and really doing it.... i guess it's a challenge for all of us... to do what we know is right...
Oswald Chambers said in his Qt book... pray a child's prayer today.... use this as our starting point and pray with the innocence and trust that children have....
it's amazing how a little story can trigger big thoughts....
thanks for reading...
p.s. Child-like is not Childish......
A simple story to share with glowing.
A man works in a church for a living,
his job is to open & close the door for those who come to church & pray.
At the front of the church,
is a cross with Jesus hanging on it.
Everyday, the man sees a lot of people coming into the church to pray to Jesus.
For little things, such as losing of ICs & wallets.
For man, for his wife or for a wife.
For woman, for her children and husband.
Everyone who comes into the church has something to pray about, be it significant or not.
The man witnesses this everyday,
& one day, he finally said to Jesus,
"Dear God, if only i can share your burden for one day"
Jesus heard his prayer, got down from the cross and said to the man,
"I shall exchange roles with you for one day. I'd open & close the church doors, & you shall listen to the people's prayers. With one condition. You will not open your mouth to talk no matter what prayers you hear"
The man agreed.
So, the fake Jesus hang on the cross & listen to people's prayers,
while Jesus opened & closed the door for those who comes to pray.
On that very day,
a wealthy man walks into the church, puts down a packet of money and left.
The fake Jesus was confused & thought to himself,
"I wonder what's that money for"
Later, a poor man walks into the church, & closed his eyes to pray,
"God, I am poor with no money at all to support my family. Please help me"
The poor man opened his eyes and saw the packet of money.
He thought that God gave him a miracle, so he thanked Jesus and left the church.
Meanwhile, the fake Jesus wanted to stop him from taking the money which does not belong to him, but still he said nothing.
Next, a young man who is about to go onboard a ship, came into the church to pray for a safe journey.
Before he could pray, the wealthy man ran into the church & upon realising his money is gone,
he confronted the young man angrily.
While the young man kept denying he did not take his money, the wealthy man simply kept accusing him of being a thief.
Unable to ignore this unjustified situation any longer,
the fake Jesus shouted,
"The young man did not take your money! A poor man who came before him was the one who took your money!"
the wealthy man ran out of the church to catch the poor man, and the young man rushed off to catch his ship.
& Jesus appeared in front of the fake Jesus, and said
"From now on, you do not have the right to listen to people's prayers"
The man was confused, didn't he just did the correct thing?
It turned out;
The wealthy man wanted to use his money for prostitution.
The poor man who took his money was really in need of money to feed his family.
The young man who rushed off to board his ship, was actually going on board Titanic.
if the fake Jesus had not spoken,
the poor man would have the money to support his family,
the wealthy man would not get back his money to continue his sinful acts,
& the young man would still be arguing with the wealthy man,
thus missing his ship which would save him his life.
I guess this story reminded me,
that no matter how smart humans are, how logical we can analyze situations,
God still plans more perfectly than we can ever imagine.
& I hope,
this story would remind you too.
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