to be like a child....
" And he said: ' i tell u the truth, unless u change and become like little children, you'll never enter the kingdom of heaven." [ Matthew 18:3 ]
why children?
everyone was a child once, but we grow up, some even want to grow up as soon as possible to be more religious... but it's the "outside-grown-up-selves" which make ourselves grow away from God instead of towards him... why?!
as a child, all the decisions made come from our parents and mentors... which all we had to do was follow suit... and when we act according to their instructions, they would say "good boy/girl!.... but as we grow up, we would think we're matured enough for anything (which we're not) and often we would be defiant and go against rules and act upon feelings... which in this case in time we would grow to realise how naive and childish we were.....(notice we in fact are childish and naive-when we think we're "matured" and act...)
in our relationship with God, it's similar........ when we proclaim our faith initially we'll go all out and seek him.... to a point where we think we're spiritually strong, the danger sets in.. the overly ego humans like us will then defy the truth and sets his/her own directions, and in time realise that he/her was childish and naive too..... we may not experience direct instructions from God like what we get from parents, teachers and mentors, but in the Bible and teachings in church, the truth is always there and it'll be very obvious to your eyes, when u seek it....
knowing the truth and the right thing is one. but doing it is another... we learn teachings from church and in our daily lives... but are we obedient to act it out? or do we think we can take charge and be defiant?
we must really be like children who accepts the truth from others, and trusting that the decision is right, and really doing it.... i guess it's a challenge for all of us... to do what we know is right...
Oswald Chambers said in his Qt book... pray a child's prayer today.... use this as our starting point and pray with the innocence and trust that children have....
it's amazing how a little story can trigger big thoughts....
thanks for reading...
p.s. Child-like is not Childish......
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