Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Glowing with <3

I'm actually typing & backspacing while trying to put my thoughts down in words.
I'm finally back in Singapore after spending 12 days in HK,
& i actually missed 2 weekends of fellowship.
Truth be told,
on Saturdays spent in HK
I'd be wondering what'd Glowing be doing now, 
& it was during times like that I would wish i could just teleport myself back to church for fellowship.
Now that i'm back,
& as Twinkle updated me on the happenings of Glowing for the last 2 weekends,
somehow i felt rather distant.
Not because i wasn't there for 2 weeks, 
but I felt that Glowing wasn't exactly how i remembered it to be.
Maybe people in Glowing are just not as attached to the fellowship as they were before,
and it's really very saddening if this is really the case.
How can we bring new friends if we are not even attached to our own fellowship?
I really pray that God's love would bring us back together.
Even though we may have exams, work & other obligations which had given us the "so-called authority" to exempt us from attending fellowship,
are we really being truthful to God, 
or are those just excuses to give when you're questioned regarding your absence.
Glowing Fellowship is not a tutorial which you have to submit a MC to prove that you're rightfully excused on a Saturday evening.
I think that the bottom line,
is that you, yourself, should be attached to your own fellowship & feel committed to attend it even though you're given a choice.
Glowing would not grow,
if people in Glowing are not growing either.
If you think that since there's less than 10 people attending fellowship this Saturday,
& it wouldn't make much difference if You're absent as well,
let me tell you that You would make the difference.
Perhaps Glowing doesn't seem so warm & lively as we were before,
but that should not serve as a barrier for us to attend it religiously.

I'd apologise if my post seem too solemn & serious,
but I really hope that you would search your heart after reading this post,
& pray to God that He'd help you find your way back to Glowing Fellowship,
cos' it's just like finding your way back to a place you'd call Home.

As we gather,
may Your spirit work within us.
As we gather,
may we glorify Your name
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship.
We'd be blessed because we came.
We'd be blessed because we came.

In His love,

Friday, April 25, 2008

::To gamble or NOT::

This is just a sharing among us Glowers. A few days ago, all the Chinese teachers had our regular meeting. The topic was the teachers’ moral values. So we were discussing is it alright for teachers to buy 4D or have a tattoo?

So most of the teachers say yes, and say it is part of their private life. The parents or students have no right to question their behavior when they are not in school. However, those with kids say that, they will not question the teacher’s private life, but they won’t like teachers with tattoos to teach their kids.

Though I do not gamble, I was enjoying their conversation. They were saying what if your student walked into Toto shop? haha.. will u be so shock to say anything? The act of gamble all rooted from one word ‘GREED’. Whether you gamble for entertainment, whether it involves with 1 cent or 1 dollar, it’s still about the thought of wanting more or winning.

Being in the working industries for quite a number of years, I have seen many Christians who compromised their values to this world. I had Christian boss who buys 4D, Christian colleagues who played Majong with 20cents and others. They know that I don’t played it with money, so they normally don’t ask me out. I am more than happy about it.

Watching my colleagues debating about whether teachers can gamble, I feel great that I am not torn apart with the thought of to do it or not. For I know for sure, God provides for me every SINGLE day of my life. And He promised me that. =)

He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever.
-Psalm 111:5

:: Li er::

2008 音乐培灵会

2008音乐培灵会 will be held on 10th May 2008 at 6:30pm in Room D!

主题: 生活的点滴、生命的见证

Through worship, prayer, sharing and testimony, we pray that we’ll experience a spiritual revival from the Spirit of the Lord!

This year, we hope to involve YOU in sharing the little things in life that God has done for you,
1. As a testimony to His love and faithfulness, 见证神的爱与信实
2. Encourage and remind one another of God’s providence and grace. 彼此激励、鼓励、勉励,彼此提醒神丰富的供应和恩典

We would like YOU to step up and share your testimonies with all of us! If you’re moved by the Spirit, please prepare a short sharing/testimony (about 5 minutes) on one of the three topics:
1. Studies
2. Work (incl. NS)
3. Family

Once again, these need not be earth-shattering experiences (无须是惊天动地的经历); but the little things in life (生活的点滴) which God has done for you because He loves you.

You may present it in any format, incl. powerpoint, video, etc. Just let us know and we’ll try to make arrangements! =)

Please let me know if the Spirit has worked in you and you would want to share!

Emmett 祉扬
On behalf of Music Dept

Monday, April 21, 2008


马可福音 10:21
马可福音 10:29,30



话说,有一个登山者,独自去登山,却不小心滑落山崖。幸好他及时抓住了一根从悬崖壁生长出来的树干,才侥幸没有摔个粉碎。这时,这个人心想,来登山的人并不多;再加上他正悬挂在悬崖壁上,想要救他也不易,这次他必死无疑。他便求告神,求神能塔救他。这时,神就对他说:你只要放手,我必能塔救你!但那人不敢放手,就对神说:神啊!你必定有更好的方法来救我!请你不要叫我放手!但神却说:不!放手就是最好的方法!那人不肯也不敢,就紧紧地抓住树干,直到他力气用尽了。 这时,他再也没有力气抓住树干,手一松......


(haha sorry this is taking me too much time so i'll continue in Eng. BUT i'll learn to type in all Chinese next time!=))

I feel that this story can help to illustrate how isit like when God ask us to let go. We often judge the value of things based on our own perspective. And what are our perspective often based on? i think that even as a christian, i can't help but to rely more on our experiences and knowledge in making a decision or judgement. Perhaps, when we can't let go of certain things, we know exactly the pain and discomfort and 'bad' experiences which might come next.

We know because there might be people around us who experienced it before, or u know it because it is easy to imagine how it will be like. For example, u can imagine the pain and sadness u will experience if u lose someone u love. u know how hard it can be if u are broke or bankrupt. u know how it can be like if u were to get into an accident and lose your limbs? that might be a little extreme. But say, imagine the struggles u will undergo if u surrender your weaknesses to God and let God mould u IN HIS WAY. U know how scary and how 'twisted your stmomach will feel' when u have to step out of your comfort zone and lose the comfortable and familiar environment u were used to. These are also the things which God want us to Let Go! Are u willing to do that? or rather, do u have to guts to pray to God and teach u how to Let Go? i'll be honest with u that i am afraid. Just like that man hanging on the tree truck, im afraid of the possiblity of falling to my death. This is really something which i find it hard to reconcile with what i know and what i feel. But i have been praying to God to take that fear off me. Im learning to take a step forward and say: 死就死罢,(就如以斯帖一样)。

But REmember borthers and sisters,
马可福音 10:27

God didn't leave us there and expecting that WE CAN DO IT OURSELVES. NOPE! God knows very well that we CANNOT DO IT OURSELVES. and that is why we should pray to God for strength. There is really no way that we can overcome our weaknesses (for example) with our own determination. WE should not even believe that we can do it ourselves. Because when we are confident about something, ironically, it is something that is most vulnerable to Satan's attack! Therefore,

Do pray about anything and everything! May we all grow in the Lord and learn how to Let Go! God promised us of something even better!!!

^j^ = JennifeR

Sunday, April 20, 2008

i was thinking about what zhili shared today...

are we serving god for our self-interest?

i still remember i asked god that how can i serve him last year around janurary,

then he said i didnt have enough experience.

so i ended up taking up a lot of jobs in church

then dont know y auntie elsa asked me if i can serve in children choir,

so dont know y i serve there for one and half year liao....

then also around that time lydia asked me to help her to play for the elderly zone as she is not free that day,

so i crashed into elderly zone and serve until now...

then still got a lot of tuanqi thing ar, then magic show ar, ppl control ar, sanfu ar , combined choir ar, musical ar, funeral ar, talk ar....

so i can say i experienced a lot of things in this one and a half year...

so am i serving god for our own interest?

i can only say that i am in a win win situation.

i want to serve god with my talent; god also want me to gain experience

by serving different kind of ppl, he let me know what ppl really need

maybe u can say that the youngest and the eldest in church are the ''bu qi yang'' ppl in church

really can do it by anyhow...

i can say that if u are taking it serious, u are really serving god as they are the one who indeed

until today, i am waiting god to give me something challenging as i want to some breakthrough

i still want to see how does the world look like

i still want to experience him

twinkle twinkle little star

Saturday, April 19, 2008

SYFC Youth Conference - Perspectives

Hi glowers,

(i have decided to put here because incase people forget to read email and just read blog, here it is!)

Here's an conference organise by Singapore Youth For Christ that i urge/encourage you all to go!

There will be two sessions.

Session One Speaker : Associate Professor Bruce Lockhart (History Dept) NUS

He will be speaking on where exactly did we get the bible from? The Original Text and the Translations.
(Come find out how the bible was being put together and discover the process of doing english and chinese translations)

Session TwoSpeaker : Professor Thio Li-ann, (Faculty of Law) NUS
(Currently a Nominated Member of Parliament) - 11th session.

(Pro Thio Li-ann was the person who speak up in the disagreement of Law 377A (homosexuality) in the Parliament with her rationale, other members of parliament agreed)

Pro Thio will be speaking on Human Law, Divine Justice & our role in the Eternal Scheme of Things.
(What is the relationship between Law and Justice, between Divine Law and Human Law and what implications does our relationship of this have our destiny and how we live our lives?)

Session one : 1pm till 2.30pm
Session two : 3pm till 5pm

Date : Thursday, 1st May 08 (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)
Time : 1pm till 5pm
Venue : St. Andrew's Cathedral (Next to City Hall Mrt)

Refreshments & Notes will be given!

This venue is free-of-charge! But need to register!
(limited sits left only - first come first serve!)

please sms/email me :

Name :
Age :
School :
Email Address:

(even i know, but just type gimme!)

I really really urge you all to go. Its a benefitting conference.

(this post will be taken off after monday(21st April)



Friday, April 18, 2008

读 经 分 享: 需 要 和 想 要

经 文: 腓 立 比 书4:19 「 我 的 神 必 照 他 荣 耀 的 丰 富, 在 基 督 耶 稣 里 使 你 们 一 切 所 需 用 的 都 充 足。」

弟 兄 姐 妹, 当 我 们 向 未 新 主 的 朋 友 分 享 福 音 时, 是 否 有 告 诉 他 们 信 主 的 好 处 呢? 如 果 连 我 们 都 不 能 肯 定 信 主 是 何 等 大 的 福 气, 那 么 最 好 别 去 传 福 音。 免 得 人 们 觉 得 信 主 是 很 艰 难 痛 苦 的 一 回 事。

有 人 说, 信 耶 稣 好! 可 以 赚 大 钱, 可 以 把 病 医 好, 不 会 有 困 难。 你 相 信 吗? 可 能 以 上 的 例 子 太 夸 张。 但 是, 千 万 别 为 了 世 上 的 荣 耀 富 贵 而 信 主。

那 么, 信 主 有 什 么 好 处 呢? 我 们 需 把“ 我 需 要” 和“ 我 想 要” 分 清 楚。 现 代 世 界 里, 由 于 商 业 化, 我 们 常 把 需 要 和 想 要 的 给 混 淆。 因 此, 有 些 人 虽 然 很 有 钱, 但 是 一 点 也 不 快 乐。 追 求 潮 流, 物 质 上 的 享 受, 但 永 远 不 满 足。

我 们 都 是 神 拣 选 的 仆 人。 我 们 的 上 帝 是 为 大 的 创 造 者, 以 上 帝 的 形 象 创 造 我 们 每 个 人。 所 以 神 最 了 接 我 们 每 人 所 需。 感 谢 神, 让 我 们 都 知 道 追 求 世 界 是 愚 昧 的。 但 是 当 我 们 基 督 徒 面 对 困 难 时, 是 用 什 么 态 度 面 对 呢? 我 们 都 喜 欢 过 舒 适 的 生 活。 但 是 一 旦 面 对 实 际 的 困 难 时, 我 们 对 神 的 信 心 是 否 就 减 少 吗? 我 们 有 时 可 能 面 对 失 恋 而 伤 心。 觉 得 万 事 不 妙。 好 象 全 世 界 已 经 垮 下 来。 但 是, 我 们 任 然 要 相 信, 上 帝 最 了 解 我 们 所 需 要 的。 很 多 时 候, 我 们 是 近 视 的, 看 不 见 未 来, 长 远 的 事。 但 我 们 要 深 信, 我 们 相 信 的 神 是 爱 的 源 头。 我 们 懂 得 爱, 是 因 神 先 爱 我 们。 那 么, 最 纯 洁, 无 暇 , 无 私 念, 伟 大 的 爱 是 从 神 而 来。 我 们 不 一 定 会 得 到 我 们 想 要 的。 开 始 时 可 能 会 感 到 伤 心, 痛 苦, 甚 至 心 怀 不 平。 但 只 要 深 信 上 帝 掌 管 一 切, 就 可 以 等 待 神 所 预 备 的。 因 那 才 是 你 所 需 的。

智 恒

Thursday, April 17, 2008

i read a passage which is about the unhappiness.

if god is good, why would he allow the unhappiness exist?
he can simply take them away...

it is the answer from billy graham's daughter anne graham;

someone said, 'there should be no bible lesson in school.' we said,' no problem!'

someone said, 'we only need to finish all our responsibilites, let alone our private life.'
we said,' of course! we only need to care whether the economic is performing well.'

someone said,' no one really care what the tv is boardcasting, what the radio is talking, we can boardcast whatever nonsense.' then we watched.

we asked god to leave us so he leave us...

i am so sorry that i am not sure if i am ranking my god in the first place.

bcos....sometimes i will do the opp...

then sometimes i will argue with him......wakakaka.....

i always think that i can do whatever nonsense as long as i want to do.

so, i dont really know if i am putting it into god's hands or a habit.

(provided i rem i have prayed for it...)

i think i should start to pray for those things which is not directly related to me.

globalization connects ppl...

youth olympic also makes singapore dollar so expensive.

(hope i am serious enough)

twinkle twinkle little star

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We're representing JESUS....

Have you all ever wonder everything that we do are representing our heavenly father? The big or even small things.. actions... words... that we say, act or do. Sometimes we may tend to forget that we're representing christ in front of others(christians or non-christians).

We should always be reminded of ourselves that we ARE representing him.

This verse which made me ponder much after reading again and again, it really reflects on myself this past 13 to 14 years as a christian. "Whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus."(Col 3:17)

"... I no longer live, rather Christ lives in me" (Gal 2:20)

As believers in christ, our role or task in our own life has changed. We no longer have the assignment of looking out for our own interests but out job now is to represent the interests of JESUS. We are to be his face, hands and feet wherever we are by showing up in the lives of others on his behalf.

We represent JESUS in the hospital; we represent JESUS at the funeral; we represent JESUS at the wedding; we represent JESUS by talking to friends whom is a non-believer of christ etc....

We are not of his world, but we are in THIS world. We function as ambassadors for christ; we serve at the will of our heavenly father. We serve as sokesmen and even servants for God's kingdom.

We many of times will reach to nonbelievers by living in such a way that they ask us about the KING we represent. We as ambassadors of Christ, we work hard to understand the culture in order to translate our KING's message in such a way that those alien to his kingdom will understand his commandments and his policy of grace.

Our ambassadorship is more than a mere job; it is our highest calling. But in order to be a faithful ambassadors, we have to make a very simple yet critical deicison : do WE want to impress the nonbelievers OR do WE want to influence them?

If our objective is to impress them, then we can do that at a distance, but that leaves the kingdom of God at a distance.

If we want to influence nonbelievers, we have to get close enough for them to see our faults and frailties, but that's also where they will see out faith as real and necessary.

So glowers, do you think God wans each and every one to IMPRESS nonbelievers or INFLUENCE them?

Here are some ways to extend our influence as a REPRESENTIVE of JESUS!

- By smiling at people. The bible says a cheerful look brings joy to the heart (Proverbs 15:30). You can influence others with a simple smile. (remember the "ONLY YOU" discussion? What that pastor in that recording state about SMILING? lol)

- By sympathizing with people. We can offer emotional support and encouragement for people in distress. " God comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us. " (2 Cor 1:4)

- By serving people. The more you serve others in love, the more you will influence them. The Apostle Paul wrote, "Even though I'm free of the demands and expectations of everyone, I have voluntarily become a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people." (1 Col 9:19)

- By speaking up. Being a representative of Christ requires courage; we're to let people know we believe. His lovenot only compels us to explain out faith, it will sometimes prompt is to confront evil behaviour in others "Let the redeemed of the4 lord say so" (Psalm 107:2)

- By sacrificing. Great sacrifice = real influence, and that may mean your influence will increase only after you move out of our comfort zone. Just like the bible tells us, "....Christ was sinless, and he offered himself as an eternal and spiritual sacrifice to God... Now we can serve the living God and no longer do things that lead to death" (Heb 9:14) If your sacrifice helps to change the world, is it worth it?

Hoping we as brothers & sisters in Christ will continue to remember that we're a REPRESENTATIVE of Christ and to influence every person that we have come in contract every day.


“Salvation for Free!! Save your Soul baby!!”

Responding to the letter on ST forum:

It’s a pleasant surprise to see such commends online because I always wanted to know what are on those people’s mind. They must be finding us such a pest. *laughs*

I am quite amused by the statement “It may be acceptable to spread one's religion by setting up a booth at Orchard Road, putting up a website, or distributing fliers, but it should not go further.” SETTING UP A BOOTH! WOW!!! Haha..

Can you imagine? If we set up a booth, what shall booth sells? Perhaps a banner hangs “Salvation for Free!! Save your Soul baby!!” Kinda funny huh.. haha.. I can’t imagine the outcome but I don’t think the “sales” will be good. *giggle*

Because I really saw a Christian Evangelical booth at Bangkok and no one walked near it. At the booth, there’re people giving the Thai Version of 4SL, one person holding the loud hailer screaming something, and there’s one person wearing the boards which is like those M1 promotion boards. I wanted to take a photo at that moment but I was rushing off to somewhere. Interesting right?

Honestly, I am not a fan of Street.E. (oh no~ Pastor ZhiLi is going to knock my head~) *laughs* why not? It is because the effectiveness of it is not prominent. However, I can’t deny that the fact that it can possibly plant a seed. God talks to us in many ways, many unknown ways.

I once had a friend whom found the bible in the library and realized that God was speaking to her. And then she turned to God! No one speak to her. But yet some idiot left the bible there. And in return, God actually used that opportunity to speak to another person. (I said idiot because you are not suppose to forget such important stuffs. Haha) And perhaps when this guy is typing such a letter on ST forum, God is already planting a seed in his heart. Who knows?

Lastly, Visuals has a powerful impact! That is why this guy in the forum asks us to “Show me that your beliefs make you a better person”. Are we behaving well when we are talking to strangers? Are we behaving well in public? And mostly importantly are we behaving well in our respective areas of our lives?

::Li 'Er::

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


my grandma passed away on saturday...

tears and sorrows filled our entire family... but my heart was dampened even more when i think of what's gonna happen to her unsaved soul...

it's every Christian's responsibility to spread his words... not because we're so stucked up, but WE WANT TO SAVE U and we want U TO BELIEVE that u're going to heavens not hell...

often non-believers will reject hearing the gospel or going to the church.. but why? is it cause they're afraid to know, or is their own religion keeping themself from hearing and learning? to me it's a personal choice... a personal choice that we choose what to believe in, and have a intimate relation with who u believe in...

most chinese believe in that doing good deeds will bring them to heavens... but when your love one pass on, u carry out rituals and offer incense and burn inscense to:
1.bring their souls down so they dun become missing souls wondering around,
2.give them food and to spend down there.
but have anyone asked this question before, if u think u have done enough good deeds in your present life, why will u think that you will go to hell?

when they burn incense and paper, u're saying that your mum/love one is in hell isnt it? or are people just afraid about life after death? that's why alot of them are afraid their love ones got nothing to eat, nowhere to go, no money to spend? it really stands out when i see these rituals and practises being carried out at the funeral. when i see them burning paper and jossticks i was reli sad. cos u're thinking that your mum is in hell and u need to provide for her , den where does your God come in????? haiz...

although i won't stop it cos i respect their rights and religion, but i cant bring myself to agree... everything seems so illogical and so man-made....a religion should be about worshipping God, and following his words... shouldnt be man-made rules ahhhhhhhhh...

a funeral should be for the Living, not for the Dead... it's should be one which celebrate's the person's homecoming to heavens, not fearing that the person suffers in hell... if he/she goes to heaven, we dun have to worry about him not eating, him not living well, him not happy. cos in heavens, God provides everything and human needs shall be gone.

anyway these r just my thoughts.. wun defy their practise la. jus keep quiet and let them do their practises.

God, bless my family.

comments on ST forum

Haha.... this is indeed an interesting post:)

Notice that he/she didn’t mention which God or religion in which he is referring to (or it might not have been allowed on the forum). But i suppose that the subject is clearly referring to Christianity, from the way he described being mugged by street evangelists. Let us all thank our mighty God, Jehovah, God of Abraham, Isaac, Israel and everyone on Earth that someone is angered to such an extent as to post his displeasure on our leading local newspaper.

We should be really thankful that our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are working so hard in spreading the gospel. This article is indeed an encouragement, to all the youths out there who are doing street E, spreading the gospel in school and public.

Were any of you angered initially? There isn't a need to. Instead, let us show compassion to this individual, who continues to hold on to his/her view on democracy and freedom of choice. We can clearly see the extent that people go to reject the truth and gospel (From the effort of submitting a lengthy post to ST's forum). But all is not lost, because he/she did bring up a good point for all of us Christians to think about.

“I believe that the only way for a person to win respect for himself and his beliefs is for that person to be a good person first.

He should embody the values which his beliefs teach him, and prove the strength of love through actions, not sermons.

Show me that your beliefs make you a better person, and that your religion makes you care for the world; that is all you need to do.”

This individual has actually summed up the almost everything that we need to do as Christians. It’s a wakeup call to all of us, that non-believers are constantly observing our every action and decisions based on the fact that we have claimed to be “Christians”. They need actions, not words. Real time spiritual evidence that clearly sets you apart from the rest. There is no point to simply be a hypocritical Christian.

How many times have we been afraid of being different from friends who are non-believers? Often, we resort to compromising our stand in hope of being accepted. How immature this thought suddenly seems, knowing that they are always observing our every move. Let us remember that leading a life that glorifies God is the best way to spread his gospel.

This shouldn’t be a source of discouragement to any one of us who would do street E in the future. There is no guarantee that our efforts will be accepted in the eyes of the world. But keep in mind that the efforts will be rewarded one day, when we face our creator.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Straits Times Forum: Let's respect a person's private space in public

It's great to see this blog becoming so happening and thriving healthily since its humble beginnings! I am sure God's mighty hand is working in making this blog a venue for sharing and growth. It's very encouraging to see many people actively posting to encourage one another, sharing how God has worked in their lives, importance of cultivating spiritual habits, etc. Let's keep this up for Him!

Anyway, posted below is a letter addressed to the Straits Times forum on 12th Apr 2008 (Sat). Something for all of us to think about, and if anyone has any response, feel free to post! =)

Let's respect a person's private space in public

"I was sitting along in my school canteen one afternoon when a girl came up to me and asked if I had time to spare. Yes, it was yet another get-to-know God session.

I'm sorry if this sounds impolite, but I've had enough of such encounters in school and other public spaces.

I find the increasingly noticeable trend by Singaporeans trying to proselytise in pubic worrying.

It is not uncommon when one is sitting alone outside Starbucks, or on a bench in school, to find oneself being approached by some stranger who starts introducing his or her concept of religion.

It may be acceptable to spread one's religion by setting up a booth at Orchard Road, putting up a website, or distributing fliers, but it should not go further.

Proselytising in school is too much. I am well aware that these people mean well, and feel intensely about their beliefs and that good things are meant to be shared. I feel the same way about my religion too but I do not do what they do because it is not the right way to share my beliefs.

Such get-to-know-God sessions are undemocratic because they indirectly convey the message tat a person feels his religion is superior to the beliefs of others, and that others should therefore switch.

It is also intrusive especially if courtesy requires one to listen when one wishes to turn away. I am glad that my friends, who are of a different religion, do not try to convert me.

Religious freedom does include the right not to be annoyed by someone who over-enthusiastically tries to promote his or her beliefs.

Tolerance and acceptance have their limits.

I believe that the only way for a person to win respect for himself and his beliefs is for that person to be a good person first.

He should embody the values which his beliefs teach him, and prove the strength of love through actions, not sermons.

Show me that your beliefs make you a better person, and that your religion makes you care for the world; that is all you need to do.

After encountering one too many sessions in public, I think that there perhaps should be a law to ban such religious touting."

This forum article has raised some interesting, albeit contentious and provocative points. Any comments?

Emmett =)

Saturday, April 12, 2008


small story with a big message...

Imagine a house.... What kind and how big is up to you... Let's imagine God has given you this house and has said he's gonna live in it. Where would you start??? Clean out the rubbish? That's probably first. The easy fixing and cleaning can be done earlier on. The insulation problem needs taking care of. The windows must be clean so the light can come in. Eventually, you'll need to get down to the foundation to make sure that it's solid. We must have things that will make God comfortable when he arrives...

Getting all these? sounds silly to you? God has given all of us a House... our body... Paul called it a temple...
If you're inviting God to come and stay inside your temple, what do you have to do today to make it ready???

I guess EVERYONE of us had heard that our body is the Temple of God... but among us who really make honour our temple? This story striked me with questions like... if this is a temple that God stays in, everything we Say, Do, Think, See, Hear has to glorify him isnt it?

Believing and having Faith in him is one... but keep the Temple of God and honouring the place where God is staying is our sole responsibility.. no one is responsible of your temple... your actions, your speech your attitude your thinking eventually come out from the Temple and reflect ourself as Christians... So how's your Temple like?

"Invite God into your House... You may still have alot of work to do, but get the invitation out there... You don't know when God may come knocking on your door... Be Ready. Clean. Clear. Repair... temple improvement time."

*** "You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will i be greater than you" Genesis 41:40


Jesus Take The Wheel

" Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
Save me from this road I'm on"

I guess for most of you,
when you see the title of this post,
you'd be thinking of the musical by QBC.
for me,
the chorus of this song by Carrie Underwood is on repeat mode in my mind.

today's the first day i heard this song.
& that's only because i happened to borrow my sister's ipod.
I guess for many many many times,
I've felt that I've drifted away from God,
& as time went by,
I just got used to life like that.
I thought i could take charge of my own life,
& God wouldn't blame me for being independent.

but after listening to this song,
It just moved me.
it's so easy to just leave your whole life,
every small little detail of it to God.
but yet,
due to my own defiance & pride,
I chose not to.
& when I finally reached the breaking point & I couldn't face things alone anymore,
He's still the one I'd turn to.
after making one big U-turn, I just had to turn back to him.
cause I know he would save me from the endless road I was on.

He took the wheel of my life.
& I hope,
as you're reading this,
You'd have let Him take the wheel of your life as well.


Friday, April 11, 2008

An evening of WORSHIP with Planetshakers + Tim Hughes.. {my thoughts!}

It was a fantastic concert night at Singapore Expo worshipping God through worship!

Im sure people who went have benefited in one way or another through songs & testimonials by them.

There were thousands & thousands of youths + adults coming together from all parts of Singapore just for ONE PURPOSE... and that is to worship & praise HIM -> Jesus Christ.

I am glad & happy that there were non-believers went to this concert and some raised their hands in wanting to accept or know more about Christ. That's great! It's a evening that never will i forget.

Very happening! Everyone were very "into" it. Examples : raising hands.... jumping.....

I've remember that a person who shared his testimonial on the stage was very true. He talks about worshipping. Worshipping God is part of what we are here for in this world. We live for God & God himself, no others. In the bible, God tells us that God seeks worshippers who worship him.

Anyone in our fellowship can be a worshipper. It is whether are you willing to serve/commit to him? God doesn't really see how well you sing for him or whether you have the talent or gift of singing BUT what he really want to see is your HEART! Whether you HAVE the heart to serve him.

Pray that god will empower us with the knowledge and the wisdom of worship.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

When you feel weak due to your own weaknesses.

I guess I'm someone who would praise God when something good happens,
& wonder where did God go when I'm faced with problems & dilemmas.
Often than not,
I would find myself really hypocritical.
I only go back to God when i need him,
when I don't,
I'd just push Him away.
and many things which i portray myself to be,
may not be the way it really is.

& to think that nobody knows?
God knows,
You may think that you've got your weaknesses covered,
but satan would like to get the lowest possible bid on YOUR LIFE. (Auctions anyone?)
To do so,
satan would make sure that he looked you over,
& truth be told,
satan is so perverted that he's very interested in your weak points.
Be it tendency to lie, to doubt,
or leaning towards pride, arrogance,
or bitching about someone,
i guess it's simply the side of us which you wouldn't want jesus to question you about.
If you sense an intense struggle in your life right now,
the truth is satan would just continue to pressure you till it hurts.
Since he knows your down-side,
I'm sure that he wouldn't be reluctant to make full use of that knowledge.
But in case you had forgotten, (& before you start emo-ing)
Jesus is so much much much more stronger than satan!!!
He knows your weak points too,
& He wants those vulnerable areas to become HIS power points in Your life.

realising this, Paul was able to write,
"When I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Cor 12:10)
In spite of all your struggles & weaknesses,
the Lord Jesus did not purchase Your life for a 80% discount sale.
He paid with His own life,
& no other higher price could have been paid.

From His point of view,
you're worth so so much, even in your weaknesses.

& I hope this would be a reminder to me, & all of you too <3

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

By Forgiving Each Other...

Is forgiving so hard for Human Beings especially Christians like us?

As for me, it is EASY to forgive that person who did a small mistake(s) BUT it is HARD for me to forgive that person who did a BIG mistake(s). I have been praying everyday asking God to calm my heart down and able to forgive friends whom offended me or etc.. Forgiving an enemy or friend(s) is part of our spiritual Growth.

Did anyone in the fellowship offended you in one way or another or causes any misunderstandings?

Always remember that " In a fellowship without forgiveness is impossible! "

As believers, we're called "to settle our relationships with each other" (2 Cor 5:18). We need to consistently forgive others and receive forgiveness from others, or we'll "give up in despair"(2 Cor2:7)

The bible speaks candidly about settling score : "Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but try to be kind to each other and to everyone else"(1 Thes 5:15). In God's economy, it's not enough to say we won't seek revenge; we're to press into every heart of forgiveness - "forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you" (Eph 4:32)

As the bible says, it becomes very clear that forgiveness is not optional for the Christ-Followers, God sets the standard SO high because he knows how much is at stake in our life. Bitterness & unforgiveness are a cancer that will eventually destroy you from the inside out. Forgiveness is the scalpel that removes the tumor of bitterness. This doesn't mean we'll always be able to forgive and be done with it but we may have to keep forgiving again and again until we know we've released the offender. But forgiveness is a choice we can make and one that God expects!

So WHAT does forgive means to me?

Forgiveness means you no longer hold the offense against the offender. It means we've pardoned the dept and we're intentionally chosen to release the one who hurt us.

Just like the bible says, you love deeply, "because love covers over a multitude of sins".(1 Peter 4:8)

Maybe here are some steps which we can do towards forgiveness :

1. Talk to God before talking to the person. Cry out to God telling him exactly How you feel.

2. Always TAKE the initiative. It doesn't matter whether you are the offender or the offended.

In the bible God told us to make the first move: "This is how i want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of wroship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God" (Matt 5:23-24)

3.Confess your part of the conflict. If you're seriously about restoring a relationship, you should begin with admitting your own mistakes or sin.

In the bible, Jesus said it's the way to see things moreclearly, "Firstly get rid of the log from your own eye; then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye" (Matt 7:5)

If anyone us are in the situation of not forgiving your friends or HARD to forgive your "enemies", maybe we should stop right now and have an honest conversation with God about someone we need to forgive. It is because our heavenly father knows that it's not easy to let go of our hurts. But he will help us and give us the grace to forgive!


Prayer is a VERY powerful tool!

Bro & Sis,

Do you know how powerful is prayer is?


is very VERY

powerful tool...

Sometimes " You do not have, because you do not ask God " (James 4:2b) by praying...

So when you pray meaning " Ask, and it will be given to you " (Matthew 7:7)

Sometimes when things are getting critical or needed god the most....

" You may ask me for anything in MY name, and i will do it " (John 14:14)

and also...

" Call to Me and I will answer you! " (Jeremiah 33:3a)

that is the STRENGTH & POWER of praying!


Bible Sharing

"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it" Joshua 1:8

To most people, our “success” means achieving something that is of authority, prosperity, fame, etc.
This is what human would think/want.

But GOD teaching goes against those of that.
To succeed:
1. Be strong and courageous as task ahead would not be easy
2. Obey GOD’s Law
3. Constantly reading & Studying the Book of Law – GOD’s Word
4. Pray and Meditate in His Word.

**Which is more important, success in worldly life, by world’s standards OR in GOD’s eyes?

“I command you – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your GOD is with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:9

“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid of them! The LORD your GOD will go ahead of you. He will never fail you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

other verse: Deuteronomy 3:22; 20:1 & Hebrews 13:5-6

Isn’t it enough of conformation from GOD?

Its normal that we face opposition in school, @ work, @ home, etc. We would feel helpless, lost, but GOD has boosted our confidence by constantly reminding us that he is with us.

Always keep in mind GOD is with us and He overcome everything.

*remember the footprint story??* =D

{Joshua 1:8-9 is one of my favorite verses in the bible, just here to share it with you guys. =D}

When we hold on to His Word, Pray & meditate on it, we will know what He has plan for us, face it with courage because we know GOD is with us & God will provide everything for us that we need. =D


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

读经分享- 遵守诫命




也有些人认为耶稣来到世上,指责遵守律法的法利塞人,就认为我们基督徒就不用遵守神的道。有些基督徒甚至觉得旧约是不符合现代的基督徒生活,连翻翻几下也不肯。说到利未记就不用多说,很多时候要读圣经却死在埃及。但只要翻到马太福音5:17-20, 就会知道耶稣来到世上,并不是要废掉律法,乃是要完全。马太福音5:20[我告诉你们:你们的义若不胜于文士和法利塞人的义,断不能进天国。]

看了这个文章后,希望能够让炽燃团契的弟兄姐妹为自己的生命做个检讨。我自己以前会认为我想做个“现代”基督徒,不想朋友说我是个”boring”,”rigid”,”extreme”的基督徒。我甚至想做个”hip”,”modern”,”God has set me free!” 的基督徒。我不明白为什么基督徒要做得那么死板,好像是做假好人。我本来就是罪人,何必装出一个好形象呢?喝几杯酒,取笑一些周围的人,在别人背后说是非(gossip), 好像是没什么大不了。但是,如果我们继续妥协(compromise),其实已经是开始离弃神。我们的神不是个妥协的神,祂要的是顺服的心。这就是我们做基督徒,如果要神与我们同在的条件。


我呼吁大家,快来认识我们的上帝,了解祂对我们的盼望,要求。我们的救恩是白白得来,但也要顺服这位伟大的真神。要让人们知道这位是真神,就要活出来。要知道这位真神,就要读圣经。不要再等了,要警醒的等候,快来读圣经。它是神所默识的,比任何一本书更值得我们去读。要做个顺服的基督徒,就得先学他的话。如果我们在学校里能够读书,有些人甚至能把一本书背的滚瓜烂熟,哪一篇写什么字或有什么图画都有记忆,为什么连圣经目录都不会呢?你知道俄巴底亚书在哪里吗?哪一本书是最短的?如果当我们需要造出任何圣经经节或教义时我们无法做到,反应是“Erm... I think..." 当兵的弟兄会知道如果向长官这么说,他可能会说"If you think, i thought, then who confirm?" 我们如果是感到愧欠了神,请把该做的行出来。不要象约拿在大浪翻腾时,继续在船舱沉睡。


Saturday, April 5, 2008


经文:撒母耳记上12:23 [ 至于我,断不停止为你们祷告,以致得罪耶和华。我必以善道正路指教你们]


撒母耳教训以色列人其实这是理所当然的。因为他是以色列人的领导者,当时的士师。就像导师指责学生一样。最令我感到稀奇的是他竟然会说,“断不停止为你们祷告,以致得罪耶和华”这么说,我们没有为别人祷告是犯罪吗? 撒母耳在这里所做的表明我们基督徒有双重责任:1)要为别人祷告,2)教导人归向耶和华。在这里,虽然撒母耳不同意以色列立王,他还是向他们保证会继续为他们祷告,教导他们。



Wednesday, April 2, 2008


炽燃团契的弟兄姐妹, 我们是否在生活中把神居首位呢?

在大约1406BC, 以色列人出埃及在旷野漂流了40年后,终于进入迦南地。那时, 神吩咐以色列人把迦南地的原住民赶出去。因为迦南居民罪大恶极,应受严厉的处罚。更重要的是,以色列人是圣洁的一族,就不能住在邪恶而拜偶像的民中,否则就会受他们的邪教风俗感染。不过,以色列人并没有照神的话去做。在多处经文可以看出,他们把一些人留下。(约书亚记15:63,16:10,17:12) 结果不久后,以色列人与他们结婚,偏离真神, 敬拜假神,最终导致他们的败亡。


