Monday, April 21, 2008


马可福音 10:21
马可福音 10:29,30



话说,有一个登山者,独自去登山,却不小心滑落山崖。幸好他及时抓住了一根从悬崖壁生长出来的树干,才侥幸没有摔个粉碎。这时,这个人心想,来登山的人并不多;再加上他正悬挂在悬崖壁上,想要救他也不易,这次他必死无疑。他便求告神,求神能塔救他。这时,神就对他说:你只要放手,我必能塔救你!但那人不敢放手,就对神说:神啊!你必定有更好的方法来救我!请你不要叫我放手!但神却说:不!放手就是最好的方法!那人不肯也不敢,就紧紧地抓住树干,直到他力气用尽了。 这时,他再也没有力气抓住树干,手一松......


(haha sorry this is taking me too much time so i'll continue in Eng. BUT i'll learn to type in all Chinese next time!=))

I feel that this story can help to illustrate how isit like when God ask us to let go. We often judge the value of things based on our own perspective. And what are our perspective often based on? i think that even as a christian, i can't help but to rely more on our experiences and knowledge in making a decision or judgement. Perhaps, when we can't let go of certain things, we know exactly the pain and discomfort and 'bad' experiences which might come next.

We know because there might be people around us who experienced it before, or u know it because it is easy to imagine how it will be like. For example, u can imagine the pain and sadness u will experience if u lose someone u love. u know how hard it can be if u are broke or bankrupt. u know how it can be like if u were to get into an accident and lose your limbs? that might be a little extreme. But say, imagine the struggles u will undergo if u surrender your weaknesses to God and let God mould u IN HIS WAY. U know how scary and how 'twisted your stmomach will feel' when u have to step out of your comfort zone and lose the comfortable and familiar environment u were used to. These are also the things which God want us to Let Go! Are u willing to do that? or rather, do u have to guts to pray to God and teach u how to Let Go? i'll be honest with u that i am afraid. Just like that man hanging on the tree truck, im afraid of the possiblity of falling to my death. This is really something which i find it hard to reconcile with what i know and what i feel. But i have been praying to God to take that fear off me. Im learning to take a step forward and say: 死就死罢,(就如以斯帖一样)。

But REmember borthers and sisters,
马可福音 10:27

God didn't leave us there and expecting that WE CAN DO IT OURSELVES. NOPE! God knows very well that we CANNOT DO IT OURSELVES. and that is why we should pray to God for strength. There is really no way that we can overcome our weaknesses (for example) with our own determination. WE should not even believe that we can do it ourselves. Because when we are confident about something, ironically, it is something that is most vulnerable to Satan's attack! Therefore,

Do pray about anything and everything! May we all grow in the Lord and learn how to Let Go! God promised us of something even better!!!

^j^ = JennifeR

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