Saturday, April 12, 2008


small story with a big message...

Imagine a house.... What kind and how big is up to you... Let's imagine God has given you this house and has said he's gonna live in it. Where would you start??? Clean out the rubbish? That's probably first. The easy fixing and cleaning can be done earlier on. The insulation problem needs taking care of. The windows must be clean so the light can come in. Eventually, you'll need to get down to the foundation to make sure that it's solid. We must have things that will make God comfortable when he arrives...

Getting all these? sounds silly to you? God has given all of us a House... our body... Paul called it a temple...
If you're inviting God to come and stay inside your temple, what do you have to do today to make it ready???

I guess EVERYONE of us had heard that our body is the Temple of God... but among us who really make honour our temple? This story striked me with questions like... if this is a temple that God stays in, everything we Say, Do, Think, See, Hear has to glorify him isnt it?

Believing and having Faith in him is one... but keep the Temple of God and honouring the place where God is staying is our sole responsibility.. no one is responsible of your temple... your actions, your speech your attitude your thinking eventually come out from the Temple and reflect ourself as Christians... So how's your Temple like?

"Invite God into your House... You may still have alot of work to do, but get the invitation out there... You don't know when God may come knocking on your door... Be Ready. Clean. Clear. Repair... temple improvement time."

*** "You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will i be greater than you" Genesis 41:40


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