Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We're representing JESUS....

Have you all ever wonder everything that we do are representing our heavenly father? The big or even small things.. actions... words... that we say, act or do. Sometimes we may tend to forget that we're representing christ in front of others(christians or non-christians).

We should always be reminded of ourselves that we ARE representing him.

This verse which made me ponder much after reading again and again, it really reflects on myself this past 13 to 14 years as a christian. "Whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus."(Col 3:17)

"... I no longer live, rather Christ lives in me" (Gal 2:20)

As believers in christ, our role or task in our own life has changed. We no longer have the assignment of looking out for our own interests but out job now is to represent the interests of JESUS. We are to be his face, hands and feet wherever we are by showing up in the lives of others on his behalf.

We represent JESUS in the hospital; we represent JESUS at the funeral; we represent JESUS at the wedding; we represent JESUS by talking to friends whom is a non-believer of christ etc....

We are not of his world, but we are in THIS world. We function as ambassadors for christ; we serve at the will of our heavenly father. We serve as sokesmen and even servants for God's kingdom.

We many of times will reach to nonbelievers by living in such a way that they ask us about the KING we represent. We as ambassadors of Christ, we work hard to understand the culture in order to translate our KING's message in such a way that those alien to his kingdom will understand his commandments and his policy of grace.

Our ambassadorship is more than a mere job; it is our highest calling. But in order to be a faithful ambassadors, we have to make a very simple yet critical deicison : do WE want to impress the nonbelievers OR do WE want to influence them?

If our objective is to impress them, then we can do that at a distance, but that leaves the kingdom of God at a distance.

If we want to influence nonbelievers, we have to get close enough for them to see our faults and frailties, but that's also where they will see out faith as real and necessary.

So glowers, do you think God wans each and every one to IMPRESS nonbelievers or INFLUENCE them?

Here are some ways to extend our influence as a REPRESENTIVE of JESUS!

- By smiling at people. The bible says a cheerful look brings joy to the heart (Proverbs 15:30). You can influence others with a simple smile. (remember the "ONLY YOU" discussion? What that pastor in that recording state about SMILING? lol)

- By sympathizing with people. We can offer emotional support and encouragement for people in distress. " God comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us. " (2 Cor 1:4)

- By serving people. The more you serve others in love, the more you will influence them. The Apostle Paul wrote, "Even though I'm free of the demands and expectations of everyone, I have voluntarily become a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people." (1 Col 9:19)

- By speaking up. Being a representative of Christ requires courage; we're to let people know we believe. His lovenot only compels us to explain out faith, it will sometimes prompt is to confront evil behaviour in others "Let the redeemed of the4 lord say so" (Psalm 107:2)

- By sacrificing. Great sacrifice = real influence, and that may mean your influence will increase only after you move out of our comfort zone. Just like the bible tells us, "....Christ was sinless, and he offered himself as an eternal and spiritual sacrifice to God... Now we can serve the living God and no longer do things that lead to death" (Heb 9:14) If your sacrifice helps to change the world, is it worth it?

Hoping we as brothers & sisters in Christ will continue to remember that we're a REPRESENTATIVE of Christ and to influence every person that we have come in contract every day.


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