Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Christian can only marry other christians!

adopted by the book " How To Ruin Your Life By 40 " by STEVE FARRAR.

Steve Farrar is a former pastor. He holds an earned Doctoral Degree from Dallas Theological Seminary.

I have been reading this book, of coz its a WEIRD title.. but in the book itself, God's word has once again reminded me as a 20 yrs old guy here on how to live MY life starting from NOW till 40 and beyond! Thanks god for this book!

Ps - This book in Singapore almost sold out!

Let God's word stir up our minds in this topic.

In Matthew 7 :24-29, Jesus talked about the foolish man who built his hous on the sand. When the storms cams his course was washed away. But then Jesus spoke of the man who built his house upon rocks. When the sotrms showed up his house withstood the test. The point is simply this : What you build upon is extremely important. It can literally be an issue of life & death.

Houses have foundations. A house is only as strong as its foundation. You've seen on the evening news million-dollar homes on a hillside sliding down into the ocean. That's ultimately a foundation issue.

Marriages also have foundations. Psalm 127 declares that " Unless the lord builds the house, they labor in vain who builds it. " The context of Psalm 127 & 128 is the family. It's clear that the ones building a house are a husband and wife. Bit if they are not committed together to the lord as they build a marriage, they already have a major breach in their foundation.

If you love Christ, why in the world would you marry someone who doesn't? You are already in conflict on the most important thing in your life. That's like buying a house on the San Andreas Fault in California that already has a three-foot-wide creak running through the living room. When a Christian marries a non-Christian, you are divided before you ever begin.

Second Corinthians 6:14-15 puts the truth right on the table:

Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has believer in common with unbeliever?

So what does a believer have in common whtih an unbeliever? If you marry an unbeliever, what will you tell your kids about Jesus? If you marry an unbeliever, how will you make decisions together as a couple? You will pray and the unbelievers won't. That doesn't mean a lot of sense.

Quite frankly, you are asking for trouble and misery if you violate this principle. So don't violate it.

If you smell gas in our kitchen, don't light a match to try and find the leak.

If you are attracted to someone who is not a Christian, get ahold of yourself and redirect your interest. Fight off the emotional attraction and walk away quickly. Don't give any consideration to the possibility that you might lead them to the lord. God doesn't need you to do His work in their life. What He does want you is OBEY his word concerning His instructions about marrying unbelievers. And here's a piece of logic for you: If you don't date unbelievers, you won't marry an unbeliever. Funny how that works.

Joeyee Watt

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