Monday, June 9, 2008

Experiencing & Equiping... a testimonial by myself

Recently there's a lot of things i want to share.. just too much... Sometimes i dun wish to "spam" the posts almost all from me... (lol!)

Testimonial on me!

People who have know me from more than 10 years... grew up with me.. ever since i've entered this QBC in 1993 or 1994. 6yrs old till now... should know this or rather...

Im a person from at the age of 6 in church... after that... there were a few of us... named ka hei, ka tai, vivian. bonnie & me at first... in a family cell group at that time still remember days @ bonnie's old house coached by Polly & Tommy when they were still sec 1 or 2.

I was an easily bullied little kid especially by Ka Tai. Had the good and fun memories in us ... until growing up till now... After entering into the teenage-hood where i still was as native as a little boy not really hunger in God's word and still thinking about playing with people that was in the year 2001 (around there!)... slowly my hunger for God's word comes and adapting by reading bible and listenings to preaches in Sunday Services... (Still remember went some of us are still kids, after children service... we would go to the old chapel open the door and climb up and wait for our parents at the red stairs???) hahah!

As time goes by.. I've offically accepted christ in year 2002 by Pastor Ivy & baptized @ Dec 2003 with 6 or 7 of us together! Remember our baptism date and i still remember laiyi's.... LOL... shall not sae.. (zip my mouth!)... But really all this years... i have been keeping the GOOD and Bads.. the touchings and the native times in my life. Till now... im finally a grown up and STILL hunger for God's word... etc... Experiencing God in my daily life and worshipping him through Music & Dance that God have gaven me this two wonderful Gifts.

As some of u all know that im STILL in the process of equiping myself for the past 4 to 5 yrs... For those who not sure wad it is.. It was some how that day wen i was 14 to 15 yrs old... somehow God uses people in cluding my mother to tell me things... and because of this i have being talking to some pastor's in church and they told me what i should do now and prayed for me.. That also happened when on that ACTUAL day @ the ACS the church... Baptist Mission Conference 2007, when the Pastor praying for those who willingly or felt that God is calling you into this field... at that point of time my heart of being touched or moved by the holy spirit, i somehow have the strong feeling and instead i willingly without any doubts and straight away go up in front of the stage and let the pastor pray, Esther too. After that Night, Pastor Ivy, esther and i had a talk on this about the calling and prayed for us.

I sure it's a calling... God had placed me in somewhere, in this area etc... for a purpose. God had given me this two gifts, for Singing & Dancing for a purpose. And now, it has been the 5th yrs and im still equiping it, I of coz duno went God's calling with me in this missionary field to be a Music Pastor but i know that im now equiping myself the Hunger of God's Word, the Vocal, the Dance & the leadership. This equiping for myself will of coz in process until one day if God wants to be give up what i have or etc... to be able to serve him AND him alone into this field of pastoring in Music, worship etc.. I will be willing to, going into a Theological College to study and etc...

No matter wad, I will continue pray, seek God, CONTINUE to equip myself, serve him with my Gifts & others the fullest & always hunger to learn more about his words & to experience him!

Experiencing God

Have my brothers & Sis here experiencing God daily or frequently? Did your experiencing God becomes a testimonial to ur non-christian friends? Or have you not experience him much though?

To me... oftenly some christians do not have enough experiencing with God that's why everytime when they wish to share with their own friends, they oftenly used their fellow christian's experiencing God instead of theirs to share. Example would be : " Do you know that one of my friend who..... " instead of theirs.

I think we should experience him more and use our own experiencing God's testimonials and able to share it with your close friends or etc... It would be good as it is your testimonial PLUS after all your friends oftent be with you or etc.. so they should know your doings and life well and they might see through your difficult time and your times or thanksigiving. And when you share your testimonial, they've seen it that it is in you and they know that it's our God who is doing great thing in our life!

Spiritual Growth!

Here's ANOTHER story that a pastor share with me...

There's a mission team back from Thailand and shared with their pastor from that church saying that they had organsied a gospel rally one of the days in thailand in that village which was a free thinker village and after which, 50+ people including children raising their hands up & accepted Christ as their Saviour. They were being saved! So they pastor was happy to hear from the mission teams but as he thought deeper into things, he suddenly post back a question to them saying:

" So who are going to do the Follow-ups?"
" Who are going to teach this people how to read the bible?"
" Who are going to teach this people HOW to pray?"

This mission team.. STUNNED! They didn't thought of these questions before and didn't know what to do next...

So what i want to say is that... sometimes we're happy that one after another... people around us or closed to us accept Christ as their saviour and we're happy that they've been saved!Nevertheless, we didn't think of the next question in mind which triggers our mind of asking the three or more Questions above.

It is just like a simple illustration of a NEW BORN BABY just being thrown at the side expecting his/herself to be able to know how to drink milk... how to talk, how to walk etc... its the same thing!

It's important that we christians have to do follow ups with new believers who are new to this circle and able to grow spiritually in the body of Christ. Yups!

This is something which the pastor had shared with me that i wished to share it with you guys and as a form of reminding ourselves too!


okie i SHALL stop here.. i shall not spam liao la... talk too much!

cya and have a GREAT experiencing god weekend!


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